
1. Science Daily News文選
  I downloaded a “happiness app” onto my phone. It was surprisingly hard to choose one. There were close to a thousand bliss-promising options in the app store — ones that would teach you to meditate or be grateful, or that would send you photomontages of sunsets and puppies or unfeasibly flattering shots of your loved ones.
   The app I eventually chose messaged me every hour or so with a positive affirmation that I was supposed to repeat to myself over and over. “I am beautiful,” or “I am enough.” The problem was, every time my phone buzzed with an incoming message, I would get a Pavlovian jolt of excitement thinking an actual person was trying to contact me. “I am enough,” I would snarl bitterly upon realizing the truth, unable to shake the feeling that, without friends or community, I really wasn’t.
    “Happiness is determined not by what’s happening around you, but what’s happening inside you”; “Happiness should not depend on other people”
   Teenagers and young millennials are spending less time just “hanging out” with their friends than any generation in recent history, replacing real-world interaction with smartphones.
   Research shows that a lack of social connection carries with it a risk of premature death comparable to that of smoking, and is roughly twice as dangerous to our health as obesity. The most significant thing we can do for our well-being is not to “find ourselves” or “go within.” It’s to invest as much time and effort as we can into nurturing the relationships we have with the people in our lives.

2. 重點摘譯

3. 延伸學習

4. 心得關鍵句
   A lack of social connection carries with it a risk of premature death comparable to that of smoking, and is roughly twice as dangerous to our health as obesity.


  1. 報告精簡豐富文章摘要很棒

  2. 有做重點 讓讀者更好吸收

  3. 讓我知道心情對身體的重要性及影響,很有用

  4. 這篇文章讓我知道原來缺少人與人之間的交流會對健康帶來危害,那我一定會好好交朋友的!( ̄∇ ̄)

  5. 文章簡單有趣 吸引讀者眼球

  6. 原來如此啊只要我們保持好心情 也會有好的健康 好的社交 也會有好的人際關係 真是獲益良多呢❤️

  7. 交朋友真的很重要 還能使心情變好 一舉兩得啊

  8. 開心與交朋友 這兩個非常重要 可以在倪低潮時陪伴妳 人生絕對不能朋友

